Southeast Community - Español

Development News Ballot

Received your absentee ballot application? City has mailed them to all registered voters

Innovation News Autonomous

Autonomous Vehicle Initiative changing the way we view public transportation

Innovation News INvision

Vision To Learn launches first step toward free vision care for GRPS students

Innovation News innovation

Foster Kent Kids coalition helps foster homes optimize their family dynamic

Innovation News housing

New Rental Assistance Program aims to increase accessibility to affordable housing

Innovation News GSblog2

Meet Up to Eat Up program provides free meals to kids during summer vacation

Innovation News INtaco

Latinx Restaurant Roundup

Feature Story Well House 2

'Esta ciudad necesita despertar': La lucha a favor de vivienda accesible en Grand Rapids

Feature Story OTG207

Peleando por una vida después de la cárcel: defensores exigen reformas penitenciarias

Feature Story Taffy Dickerson

El racismo en Grand Rapids: Una pugna constante en contra de la opresión sistemática

Feature Story OTG206

Sueños de igualdad: El Grupo de Mujeres del Southtown es una ganancia para la comunidad

Feature Story OTG207

Como el racismo y la segregación deja su huella marcada en la comunidad de sureste de GR