Sustainable Energy Financing, LLC seeks to bridge the gap between big ideas and big investments

Holland area duo Dan Kuipers and Kyle Denning have started a new company, Sustainable Energy Financing, LLC (SEF). SEF focuses on promoting project financing and financial advisory services for renewable energy projects throughout the world.

Denning and Kuipers describe the renewable energy industry they work in as incredibly complex, having technical, policy and trade issues all contributing to an environment where developers often have difficulty explaining their plans to potential investors, and vice versa.

"There's often times an information gap between those that want to develop and those that want to invest," Denning says.

Besides starting this new venture, they are also in the process of acquiring Viability, a wholly owned subsidiary of Viability Ventures. The acquisition includes Viability Africa, which Denning co-founded with Viability Ventures while still an employee there.   

Kulpers and Dunning say this acquisition provides them with a great deal of synergy and opportunity, especially with African-based projects. According to the duo, Viability Africa, LLC, based in Nairobi, Kenya, will focus on providing project financing and carbon credit development services for project developers across that continent.

Although there are no plans to hire additional employees now, they hope to be able to double their team after six months. For more information you can visit their site here. 

Source: Dan Kuipers and Kyle Denning, Managing Partners,  Sustainable Energy Financing, LLC
Writer: John Rumery, innovation and jobs editor,

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