Statewide award names Grand Rapids Chamber Michigan's best

By: Deborah Johnson Wood

Last week, the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce (GRACC) received the coveted 2007 Michigan Chamber of Commerce Executives (MCCE) Outstanding Chamber of Commerce Award for large-sized chambers.

The award recognizes the GRACC's dramatic one-year turnabout from decreasing membership and predicted revenue losses to a 20 percent jump in membership and a $100,000 revenue gain.

"We were absolutely stunned about receiving the award," says Jeanne Englehart, president. "The entire team has worked very, very hard to turn us around from being a chamber that was losing members and losing money to one that is gaining members and making money."

During the awards ceremony at Boyne Mountain, Englehart says the MCCE also touted the Chamber's diversity initiatives, as well as its leadership in the regional coalition of Chambers that includes Chambers from Muskegon, Holland, and Grand Haven/Spring Lake.

"We're unique in the nation because of the breadth and depth of our diversity initiatives and programs," Englehart says. "Our Institute for Healing Racism is ten years old this year."

From 2003 through 2005, the GRACC lost 302 memberships. The net gain in memberships from January 2006 to now is 168, bringing the total number of member businesses to 2,900.

"We've listened better to what our members need," Englehart says. "And we're more vocal about some of the issues that are affecting small business, such as the tax increases on services. We've given small businesses a voice in Lansing."

The Greater Port Huron Area and the Midland Area Chambers received recognition in the small- and mid-size categories.

Source: Jeanne Englehart, Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce; Karen Hogan, Seyferth Spaulding Tennyson Inc.

Deborah Johnson Wood is development news editor for Rapid Growth Media. She can be contacted at [email protected].

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