MSU, GVSU partnership guarantees student slots at medical school

By: Deborah Johnson Wood

Grand Valley State University and the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine have formed a unique partnership that links GVSU pre-med students to the medical school.

The Early Assurance Program guarantees that MSU will admit five GVSU pre-med students per year into the College of Human Medicine. The agreement is the first of its kind between the medical school and a university.

“Under the Early Assurance Program, students who are likely to practice in an underserved urban or rural location, or demonstrate interest in a high-need medical specialty in a health professional shortage area will be considered for endorsement and admission to the College of Human Medicine,” says Jean Nagelkerk, GVSU spokesperson.

To receive preference for admission to the medical school, students must either be the first generation to attend college, have graduated from a low-income high school, be eligible for Pell grants or express an interest in practicing in a high-need medical specialty area.

Throughout the three-year pilot program, students have opportunities to participate in the Premedical Club and work in a health care setting as a volunteer, employee, or by job shadowing. Other opportunities include community service and research projects.

The medical school will hold five admission slots for students who excel in the program and maintain academic performance. Students apply in their junior year. A committee with a representative from GVSU and the CHM will review the applicants and endorse students who meet the program standards.

Source: Jean Nagelkerk, Grand Valley State University

Deborah Johnson Wood is development news editor for Rapid Growth Media. She can be contacted at [email protected].

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