Local Susan G. Komen for the Cure’s $405,000 Collaboration with West Michigan

Many people have heard of the "Race for the Cure" for the Susan G. Komen Foundation, a walk where participants wear pink and walk in honor or memory of someone diagnosed with breast cancer.  However, there is one little known fact about the organization that is making a dynamic impact, particularly in our community.

Susan G. Komen for the Cure West Michigan affiliate recently granted more than $405,000 to local nonprofits who have programs focused on screening, education or treatment of breast cancer.  Charities including Catherine's Health Center, Gilda's Club, Spectrum Health and Saint Mary's all received funding this year. And, the wonderful news for West Michigan is that they have been collaborating in this fashion since 1998 to the tune of $2.5 million -- exciting news for advancements in breast health and those battling breast cancer locally.

"I am thrilled to stand behind our organization.  We have accomplished so much, locally, over the last 14 years. I look forward to seeing Nancy Brinker's promise to her sister, Susan G. Komen, in 1980, kept: to do everything possible to end breast cancer," states Emma Powell. "As the Executive Director for our West Michigan Affiliate, I am honored and amazed everyday by our volunteers, survivors and co-survivors.  These are the faces of our Susan G Komen for the Cure [affiliate] that are making a difference and saving lives."

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Source: Emma Powell, Susan G. Komen for the Cure West Michigan affiliate
Writer: Jennifer Wilson, Do Good Editor
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