G-Sync - Nickles = Change

G-Sync Events for the weeks of 08/20 - 27/2009
By Tommy Allen

A few weeks ago, I wrote about a core group of folks in our community who have taken the time and effort to spearhead the transformation of our region in entertainment and the arts. (Shout Out To The Eventful Ones, 7/30/09)

In just less than a year since G-Sync has launched, we have had the best seats in the house as we witnessed historic firsts almost every week in the triumph of a metropolitan area being renewed.

But for all the successes due to these generous and hardworking individuals, key players in the funding community are concerned that we need to still give more if we are to sustain this growth.

As an example, the Wealthy Theatre took years of fundraising and investment before it reached its current status as a community-wide resource, certainly a venue we can hold up with pride as a model in restoration.

This week we see another debut in the form of the Grand Rapids Film Festival, which is carving out a niche in the film festival circuit with an impressive first year roster of movies.  This event only became possible through creative networking to find sponsors who may not have considered ever giving to an arts event before.  The result is a diverse and impressive list of new names, along side of veteran supporters of the arts.

Sacrifice comes in many forms, and many small contributions can make a big difference. It may even make the difference of whether a concept becomes reality. Rob Bliss is unveiling his concept today of an ArtPrize event that will create waves of colored paper airplanes launched with the help of some volunteers in unison to wash over downtown Grand Rapids accompanied by a vocal “close encounters-like” wall of sound, and undoubtedly this will take some financial backing.  He and the more than 1,200 artists who will debut their art at the international ArtPrize event will be investing sometimes all that they can spare to make this city sparkle for two weeks this fall.

If we want to see the growth continue, we not only have to be willing to show up, but we must also be open to dropping a bit of additional change to ensure this trend continues.

So as I said before, the future of the city needs all of us, so collectively we will dig a little deeper, round up of our admission fee, and as they will say on Saturday’s Running of the Bulls event, “giddy up” for a wild ride!

Choose local.…and often.

Tommy Allen, Lifestyle Editor

Click here to continue to this week’s G-Sync events.

Photo provided by Terry Johnston

Press Releases for upcoming events in the West Michigan area should be sent to [email protected]. Please include high res jpg images that are at least 500 pixels wide. Thank you. - Tommy
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