G-Sync - One (Child's) Voice Makes It Happen

It's not often when the tables are turned on a columnist, and he or she is grilled about his or her policies. But that's just what happened to me the other day when I was somewhat singed by a group of seventh graders at Burton Middle School -- and my heart was warmed immeasurably by the roasting.

I had been asked to give a presentation on the topic of news releases and their use in my work at Rapid Growth as part of a Junior Achievement reverse job shadow event sponsored by the Grand Rapids public schools. It was during my talk that a young man named Eddie Burnett asked if I would consider covering their school-wide food drive for needy families in their neighborhood.

At first I just lightly brushed it off with my standard "We'll see" response that I give in response to a verbal pitch on a story we ordinarily don't cover.  

But as the lesson progressed this student would not let up, pressing me further as he made his case as to why G-Sync should cover their event.

I have to admit he made his case for their food drive since I had just presented a few examples of where Rapid Growth had covered charitable events such as for Paws with a Cause and the St. Mary's Doran Foundation.

Quickly I retooled my lesson plans and asked the students to craft a news release for their event.  At the end of the session, they would read the best pieces aloud to the entire class and I would have to decide if it fit.

I was nearly in tears as I listened to students make compelling and genuine points as to why this event was so important and needed to be covered.  

I was sold but not just on their pitch, but also as to why this region is such a wonderful place to call home, with acts of kindness unfolding every week in our community.

For many who have been here a while already knew we were a generous community as outlined in The S.O.U.L. of Philanthropy (Sharing Our Uncommon Legacy) of Greater Grand Rapids, a documentary produced with the help of my alma mater Calvin College.

Diana Sieger, President of the Grand Rapids Community Foundation, confirms the film's premise adding that based on her personal research "we are definitely one of the most generous communities in the entire nation."

If you feel inclined to donate to Burton Middle School's food drive event, please be sure to drop off any non-perishable items before December 18 to its campus located at 2133 Buchanan Ave SW, Monday – Friday from 7 AM - 4 PM.

The ways that we hear pleas for charitable giving are changing and will evolve more in the future as technology and our community continue to grow.  For example, about a week ago, a large group gathered in downtown Grand Rapids -- call together by a Tweet for a #TurkeyThrowdown -- to share a pot luck turkey dinner and bring non-perishable goods to help stock local food pantries.

From schools to churches to twitter hashtags we are finding exciting ways to unite our community and make the lives of others much better. It makes you proud to be a part of a community where people really do care about the lives (and well being) of others.

Choose local…and often.

Tommy Allen, Lifestyle Editor

Email:  [email protected]
Twitter Guide: @TommyGSync

Click here to continue to this week's G-Sync events.


Photo of Tommy Allen at Russo's on 29th Street  provided by Brian Kelly

Press Releases for upcoming events in the West Michigan area should be sent to [email protected]. Please include high res jpg images that are at least 500 pixels wide.

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