Accounting firm adding 30 new jobs in 2012

Citing a clear upturn in the economy, Rich Antonini, managing partner at Plante Moran, indicated that that their firm will be adding 30 new accountants in 2102.

"In manufacturing, there has clearly been a significant increase in hiring," says Antonini. Increased hiring, he says, leads to an increased demand for their professional services.

Combined with the addition of 13 new hires in 2011, the firm is very near where they were in 2007-08 before the economy tumbled.

Plante Moran is the nation's 12th largest public accounting and business advisory firm, covering all industries. Antonini says Plante Moran offers diverse opportunities for accountants to pursue careers.

To learn more about job opportunities at Plante Moran, you can visit their site here.

Source: Rich Antonini, Plante Moran
Writer: John Rumery, Innovation and Job News Editor
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