Grand Rapids entrepreneur creates innovative new app that transforms the world of videography

"It's a new way for shooting video," explains Kyle Hilla, CEO of Apptopus, Inc and inventor of CollabraCam, a recently released iPhone app.

According to Hilla, the inspiration for this app came from his experience working with a local TV station several years ago. Recalling the amount of effort, expertise and cost required to produce a professional show, he knew that with mobile technology, there was a better way to provide amateur filmmakers and hobbyists an improved experience.

The collaborative system is set up for use by up to five -- four iPhone "cameramen" and one iPhone "director." Unlike traditional filming, the editor is on site and provides real-time cues to the other four cameras.  

Hilla estimates that the total production costs for a professional video shoot can easily exceed $20,000, but you can download his app for $9.99 and be up and filming within minutes.

Besides simplifying the filming process, CollabraCam also transforms the post-production process. The rough cut of the video can be viewed in the app and then exported for easy editing via an editing app or saved via file sharing in iTunes to edit on your home computer.

Hilla has filed a provisional patent and has several other complimentary products in the pipeline. Reflecting on the development process, Hilla says "it's an amazing feat to achieve."

You can learn more about Apptopus and CollabraCam by visiting their sites.

Source:  Kyle Hilla, Apptopus, Inc
Writer: John Rumery, Innovations and Jobs Editor

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