New app serves as digital safety deposit box

PerSysTek is a West Michigan startup founded by Rick Wielopolski, a veteran of the computer industry. 

The firm focuses on providing technological solutions for personal record security and privacy. The first product, RecordVault, was launched in January 2013. It serves as a tool for mobile devices to store personal data that is accessible to the owner, but is totally secure from security hacks.

Wielopolski says the inspiration for RecordVault was to find a solution for a problem he encountered while caring for his mother. "(My mother) had a stroke in my home. I had no documentation that was needed at the hospital. I had the power of attorney, but I don't carry it with me. I needed to get access to her medications and other information, too."

With a 38-year career in the tech sector, much of it in healthcare, Wielopolski was keen to the growth of mobile devices and also understood the risks of storing unsecured personal data on these devices.  

"RecordVault is patent pending and really offers unparalleled security with mobile devices. You can keep all sensitive files on phones. It can't be hacked."

Wielopolski says the app can be used to securely store almost anything including medical records, personal identification forms, banking information, credit cards, x-rays, and pictures.

Currently, Wielopolski is utilizing a series of contractors to support his venture, with plans are to add full-time staff to PerSysTek as the business grows. Open positions are listed on his website here.

To learn more RecordVault, including where to download the app, you can visit the site here.

Source: Rick Wielopolski, PerSysTek
Writer: John Rumery, Innovation and Jobs News Editor
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