
TaskPro is at your service

Serving more schools creates need for two Kent School Services Network coordinators

Innovation News JNjohnball

Get paid for having fun! John Ball Zoo aims to fill 60 seasonal positions

ELK Brewing's upcoming opening creates 12 jobs for bar manager, brewing assistant, wait staff

Innovation News JN834office

Social media butterfly wanted at growing Grand Rapids PR company, 834 Design & Marketing

IT Resource has "never been out of growth mode," seeks 4 more technology engineers

Feature Story Home Being Built

RapidBlog: Buy, buy buy! Sell, sell, sell!

Feature Story februarycolumn

Small business has room to grow in West Michigan

More office locations, growing client base spur new medical, marketing jobs at Neurocore

Growth in medical malpractice law, corporate law means more jobs at Smith Haughey Rice & Roegge

MyWay Mobile Storage launches new franchises, opens larger facility, adds jobs

Innovation News Janis Kemper and Gina Otterbein, co-owners of Northern Physical Therapy.

Growing physical therapy firm seeks massage therapist, adds fitness, weight loss programs

"Positive momentum on east side of state" spurs growth in Grand Rapids marketing firm

Molecular research, medical technology jobs open up at new NxGen Mdx laboratory at Clark Place

Momentum builds as Retirement Wealth Advisors readies to hire 25 operations, financial professionals