
Development News Courtesy

Michigan Green Communities bestows “gold status” to the City of Grand Rapids

Development News Courtesy

Michigan Green Communities bestows “gold status” to the City of Grand Rapids

Development News Courtesy Vinyl Alchemy

Vinyl Alchemy elevates the full musical experience

Development News Courtesy The Mortals Café + Confection

The Mortals Cafe + Confections brews coffee, tea and mortality

Development News mural1

Degage enlists artist Derrick Hollowell to engage its patrons through art

New owners to continue Grand Rapids’ LaFontsee Galleries legacy

Development News The Grand Rapids Downtown Market Incubator Kitchen offers three different types of storage — cold/freezer, dry and pallet storage — and a variety of resources to help food entrepreneurs launch their own small businesses.

Incubator Kitchen nurturing equity for Grand Rapids area food entrepreneurs

Development News Lead Free Kids GR logo

New rules requiring lead dust testing would “keep kiddos safe”

Development News Aqume, pronounced /ack-me/, stems from the word "acme," which means the highest point at which someone or something is best, perfect, or most successful.

Aqume Foundation wants to create philanthropy equity

Development News Mockup DeStigter Architecture

Community land trust to promote affordable home ownership and retention