Projects: Start Garden


Rick DeVos

Start Garden

50 Louis Street
Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503
Start Garden is moving into next levels of entrepreneurial inception, focusing more energy pruning and maintaining some of the higher-level investments to see a return for itself and for the community.

To create a catalyst for this ecosystem, the people at Start Garden have taken a venture capital fund and redesigned it by asking questions like:

How might they invest in over a hundred ideas a year and remove the anxiety and debate over what to invest in? Which led to The Ideas.

How might they discover people who can become great entrepreneurs by seeing their actions, not their sales pitch? Which led to The Fund.

How might an entire city become a mentor for new projects? Which led to The City.

How might they provide knowledge, skills and collaborators at the moment they're needed? Which led to The Events.

Start Garden was created as a platform for a lot of ideas to start moving forward. From those, some turn into projects. From those projects, some turn into a startup businesses. From those , some grow into big businesses.
