Hook a Sista Up’s Shift Your Mindset, Shift Your Income: Start your economic engines, ladies!

Tuesday, Jan. 24, 6 p.m.
One of the joys of being in Grand Rapids these days is the flurry of folks seeking to create new ways of making a living. Some might be happy with punching the clock, but as we have witnessed over the last decade, there is a steady stream of people here seeking to build something new.

And while we have plenty of larger institutions with a host of clients they serve at various stages of development, one organization that I have had the privilege of getting to know better over the last couple years is the woman-led entrepreneurial group Hook a Sista Up (HASU) from Linda Otterbridge.

What makes HASU really shine is the sheer number of women who not only are making waves in their offerings to the world, but how they are incredibly supportive of one another. It is really an exciting group of women entrepreneurs who are taking control of their vision and making it a reality.

A part of HASU’s success is the group’s ability to meet women where they are, and, through strategic steps like these, accountability check-ins enable them to celebrate as they support one another on their path forward. 

For their first meeting of 2017 they are inviting others to join them on this journey with special guest speaker Mattie McKinney from MyEcon. McKinney is a corporate business professional and educator who has more than 20 years of management experience

McKinney will present at this orientation and accountability check-in a presentation titled, “Shift Your Mindset, Shift Your Income,” during which attendees will have a chance to learn about ways to eliminate debt and reduce expenses as she shares tips for building one’s business wealth.

The best part is a chance to meet others who are also seeking to find a way to make their visions a reality. Come prepared to listen, share and learn that you are not alone in the pursuit of your dream. Always true to their name, they are really here to Hook a Sista Up with a better future. 

Admission: $10; see the event details here.
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