What is there to say about a 47-year old three-day event that lands in the heart of downtown Grand Rapids the first weekend of June and features an ever-diverse offering of performance-based art reflecting our rich culture and served up alongside hefty portions of food prepared by area nonprofits and church groups?
Well, honestly, there is a lot that needs to be highlighted this year that, while it may not directly impact you or even tickle your fancy, include additions which are remarkable and welcome.
For starters, in Festival’s bid to evolve in our accelerating handheld culture comes a whole new site, complete with a mobile-first platform that ensures that images load faster and include PDF schedules that can be easily printed.
In the area of customization, you are even able to create your own schedule as a PDF or to send to your Google Calendar or iCal program.
Accessibility at the Festival’s street level has not been a problem, but the website has lagged behind. That is, until this year, when for the first time they will provide amendments to the site, like screen reading for the blind and low vision complete with inactivity capabilities. (Note: These items debut after June 1.)
Also returning this year is the Outer Fringe Stage on the lawn next to the newly restored De Suevero Swing sculpture.
In addition to all of the events happening in the street over the weekend, this year’s art exhibition reception will be held on Wednesday, June 1, 5:00 - 8:30 p.m. at UICA and is open to the public.
So, while it might be easy to roll your eyes at Festival because it is the “old guy” in town, with advances and additions like these providing more access to others, you can be certain that they will remain a committed partner to changes that are surely to continue as they evolve.
Admission: Free
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