It is easy to take it for granted, but each year for the past four, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences allows the Waterfront Film Festival to be the only sanctioned Official Oscar Night® America for West Michigan. They only award 49 parties nationwide.
The Oscars bestowed this honor because of Waterfront’s non-profit status, but I would like to think they do it because of the incredible work this annual film festival presents each summer in the lakeside town of Saugatuck.
Billed as fundraiser, fans of cinema will gather at the Westside’s Goei Center for a night of music entertainment from Delilah DeWylde & The Lost Boys, a wonderful silent auction and a great selection West Michigan cuisine. Participating restaurants include Butch’s Dry Dock and The Curragh of Holland; White House Bistro and Restaurant Toulouse of Saugatuck; Respite of Douglas; Fennville Station of Fennville; Tavern on the Square, El Barrio Mexican Grill and YoChef’s Catering Co. of Grand Rapids; Anything Goes Catering of Grand Haven and Mia & Grace Bakery Bistro of Muskegon.
My favorite picks off the auction table include tickets to attend a game seated right behind the bench of the Red Wings coupled with dinner in Detroit, to a set of Film Festival Fast Passes to a brew-your-own-beer at the Saugatuck Brewing Company. Winning any one of these items would be almost as awesome as winning an Oscar.
This annual fundraiser is truly one of the best ways a film buff can enjoy the Oscars while doing some good. For a full look at the ticket packages available, please visit their website.
Admission: $65 - $125
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