Muskegon art museum plans 100th year with $18M in improvements

As a lakeshore art museum looks ahead to its 100th year, it’s laying plans for improved collections, increasing cultural diversity and offering educational opportunities.

According to excerpts from the story:

With its 100th birthday approaching in three years, the Muskegon Museum of Art is not slowing with age.

In fact, staff at the museum are gearing up for a busy few years, following the direction of a strategic plan recently adopted by the Muskegon Museum of Art Foundation Board of Trustees.

That includes getting ready for a major fundraising campaign with the goal of raising nearly $18 million over the next 10 years. They also are looking at everything from changing the museum's name to improving its collection and finding more space for public education.

"It's a road map to the future, and what a better time to do that," museum Executive Director Judith Hayner said of the four-year plan. "A 100th anniversary -- that's a big deal."

Read the complete story here.

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