Oldest building on Monroe Center, two others targeted for $4.5M renovation

Downtown Grand Rapids development is hopping with the promise of new office space in the oldest building on the street—space that’s been vacant for years. That means more people working downtown, and that means a more robust economic future for shops and restaurants.

According to excerpts from the story:

GRAND RAPIDS -- A $4.5 million overhaul is in the works to stitch together and renovate three historic Monroe Center buildings.

Locus Development plans to renovate 32,000 square feet of space inside the four-story downtown buildings with ground floors housing Blake's Turkey Sandwich Shoppe, Groskopf's Luggage & Gifts and the former Herkner Jewelers, 102-114 Monroe Center NW.

The building with Blake's Turkey, known as the Flat Iron Building, also is home to Locus' headquarters on its second floor.

Read the complete story here.

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