With the investment of over $1 billion in development atop Grand Rapids’ Health Hill, one of the region's most anticipated economic and status boosters in an age has offiicially arrived with the inaugural class of medical students at the MSU College of Human Medicine. This week, the students enthusiastically converged on a city that, according to their own words, holds great promise for their careers.
According to excerpts from the story:
GRAND RAPIDS -- The students look like most others on a college campus: 20-somethings in flip-flops, some wearing T-shirts and baggy shorts, others looking a bit less casual in blue jeans or skirts. Their resumes and ambitions take them beyond the ordinary, however. They are the inaugural class of the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine in Grand Rapids.
"They're wonderful, showing a lot of energy and enthusiasm," said John O'Donnell, the med school's assistant director for "Block I Curriculum," which is what the students will study this year.
Read the complete story here.
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