Muskegon company to produce wind turbines and jobs

Two Muskegon manufacturers will collaborate to build and ship an innovative small wind turbine, and that means jobs for the lakeshore. The turbines go on the national market next spring.

According to excerpts from the story:

If alternative energy development is the answer to the country's economic woes -- as President-elect Barack Obama and many others have suggested -- then Muskegon's future is looking bright.
The "wind turbine in a box" will be unwrapped at ACE Hardware stores across the country next May with a "made in Muskegon" tag. The product, inspired by the Grand Valley State University Energy Center and produced by local company EarthTronics, can save consumers electricity costs and is expected to generate about 100 local jobs that could balloon to many more.

"This can truly be a Michigan product," said EarthTronics President Reg Adams.

Read the complete story here.

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