Uptown GR applies for Cool Cities designation

As Grand Rapids neighborhood business districts continue to grow and flourish, one group seeks technical assistance from Lansing to help members energize the district’s business corridors, preserve its historic buildings, and draw customers and new residents.

According to excerpts from the story:

City commissioners recently threw their full support behind the Uptown Neighborhood Business District’s application to the Cool Cities Michigan Main Street Program.

The Uptown district isn’t looking for state funding, but for the technical assistance the program provides to help move neighborhood businesses forward.

East Fulton, East Hills, Wealthy Street and Eastown are the business districts involved in the Uptown application. Main Street would assist in revitalization and preservation efforts and help to identify the unique characteristics of the districts. The idea is to make the district a more attractive place for people to live, work and shop.

Read the complete story here.

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