Wealthy Theatre gets city's OK to pursue liquor license

Leaders of one of Grand Rapids oldest theatres say that getting reputable, long-running stage shows and performances to the theatre will help the theatre remain solvent, and the ability to serve beer and wine is key to attracting those shows. The theatre recently received the OK from Grand Rapids city officials and applied for the state license.

According to excerpts from the story:

The Grand Rapids City Commission last week approved the Grand Rapids Community Media Center's plans to sell alcohol to the club's members during events at the Wealthy Street Theatre.

Now the CMC, also known as the Cable Access Center, is waiting for the Michigan Liquor Control Commission to decide on its request for a club license.

The club license would allow alcohol to be served only to Community Media Center members attending events at the theater. The Wealthy Street Theatre is operated by the CMC.

Earlier this month the Grand Rapids Planning Commission endorsed CMC's request for the license despite the Grand Rapids Police Department recommending it be denied.

Read the complete story here.

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